Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Enjoy the summer
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A little reminder what to eat for snacks
· -Small whole wheat pitas or cute up veggies with 1 TBS hummus: 130-175 calories
-7-10 organic tortilla chips with 1 TBS: homemade bean dip or hummus or mashed avocado: 220 calories
-Cut up apples with 1 TBS peanut butter, almond butter: 200 calories (try to get natural or organic PB or AB)
-Make your own Trail mix: dried cranberries, almonds crushed, high-fiber cereal (1/4 cup serving: 200 calories)
-Yogurt with some crushed nuts: 200 calories
-Cut up veggies with Greek yogurt mixed with spices: 175 calories
-Serving of cottage cheese and ¼ cut-up apple, add some cinnamon: 150 calories
-Serving of cottage cheese and cut up cherry tomatoes: 120 Calories
-Frozen grapes, bananas: 100-120 calories
-Kebobs of fruit and cheese or veggies and cheese: 1oz cheese and 1/2 cup fruit or veggies 225 cals
-Hard boiled eggs (1 egg, 1 white) (optional tomato slices): 80 Calories
-1/2 cup garbanzo beans: cook in 1 tsp olive oil, with a little sea salt and red pepper: let cook and enjoy: 150 calories
-Low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt with berries 130-150 calories
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
When there is no time...
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Don't drink all your calories!
Monday, April 12, 2010
How many reps should I do?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Willpower, why have you left me?!?
Have you ever thought, I won't eat that, I know it's not good for me and I am really "watching my diet" or maybe it's "I will only have a bite."
Whatever food you are trying to "stay away" from, can and will eventually break you down and decrease your willpower!
So I say, have strategies set in place to help you when your willpower leaves you. No one has unlimited willpower, at some point, yours will be shaken! Have a strategy in place to help you get past when willpower isn't enough.
It's okay to have those splurges but if they are continuous, that is not going to be good for your long-term fitness goals.
Having strategies set in place to not tempt you will be a great way to help that willpower!
Some good strategies:
1. Don't have foods that you typically overeat in the house if you aren't able to control yourself.
2. Don't let yourself get too hungry, this will definitely lead to overeating, keep healthy snacks on hand.
3. Let yourself have a splurge every once in awhile, remember that 90% rule!
4. Go for a walk to clear your head, most of the time these lapses of willpower have more to do with what's going on mentally than your physical need.
*So this week, set up some strategies to help you succeed! Good luck and go get fit!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A little bit about me...
Monday, March 1, 2010
90% to lose, 85% to maintain
Don't make yourself crazy over splurges, it's okay if you are trying to lose weight to have a few splurges throughout the week. Just make sure you chose carefully! Maybe you want a drink and a piece of dessert, but skip the appetizer and instead order some broth based soup or a small salad with dressing on the side. You have to make any "diet" or "lifestyle" fit into your lifestyle, it isn't realistic to think you will have control over exactly what you will eat all the time.
More importantly don't beat yourself up if you do have a splurge, it's good to indulge a little, just watch that over-indulging. Also, let's call these "treats" splurges instead of cheats, meaning they are a good and healthy part of a diet not something that shouldn't happen!
The best rule of thumb is to look at your food over the course of a week and think if I want to lose weight I can be 90% compliant and include 10% splurges and still lose weight. For example, if you are having 3 main meals a day with 2 healthy snacks, 35 meals a week, 10% would give you 3-4 splurges a week. Keep in mind that if you did have the drink, the appetizer and the dessert that might be considered 2 splurges for the week!
As for wanting to maintain your weight, you can play around with %15 splurges over the week and 85% adherence to your newly adopted healthy lifestyle, just be honest with yourself and if you need to cut it to less splurges, adjust accordingly.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Excuses, Excuses...
Please, please, stop with the excuses, I promise you, if you're tired, you will feel better when you are finished with your workout. If you are too busy, you will be able to manage your stress and work-load better after working out, Yea for those endorphins! As for the not feeling well, if you really are sick, take time to rest and get better, but if it's a low-energy or stomach issue, try a few minutes and see how you feel. After ten minutes of working out, asses how you feel! My favorite excuses, the unhealthy eating, so let's continue to be unhealthy. That attitude is one of the most destructive for both your mind and body! Everyone has an unhealthy meal, day, weekend, etc, the problem lies in the continuous destructive, unhealthy eating. It's okay to have dessert, a few drinks, indulge here and there, but you need to accept your indulgence (over-indulgence) and get right back on with your healthy lifestyle.
Have a great week, get some great workouts in and fuel those workouts with awesome nutrition!